Biology Secondary Education B.S.


A biology secondary education degree offers several career opportunities. Graduates can become secondary school biology teachers, educating students in middle and high school settings. They may also work as curriculum developers, designing educational materials and lesson plans tailored to biology courses. 

Other potential career paths include roles in educational administration, such as assistant principals or school administrators, or in science education research, focusing on improving biology education outcomes.

Career Outlook

  • Average Salary: $54,665
  • Job Postings: 198

Average salary is based on a biology instructor position from Job posting data is for biology teacher positions and is provided by Lightcast. This number represents unique job postings from companies looking to hire in the last 30 days as of May 2024.


The requirements for the biology secondary education degree are twofold. First, you must take the required biology courses listed below, and then you must complete the courses required for the secondary education major.

Required Major Core Courses

Complete the following courses. Alternatives for the following courses: BIO302 or BIO309, CHE111 or CHE121, CHE112 or CHE122, PHY101 or PHY201, PHY102 or PHY202.


Biology of Microorganisms

(4.0 s.h)


Cell Biology

(4.0 s.h)


Earth Science

(2.0 s.h)



(4.0 s.h)


General Biology

(4.0 s.h)


General Botany

(4.0 s.h)


Complete four semesters of colloquium, beginning second semester of the sophomore year to accommodate student teaching; two presentations required.


Science Colloquium

(0.0 s.h)

Elective(s) in Major

Complete one course from either mathematics or computer science beyond the liberal arts core requirements.


Abstract Algebra

(3.0 s.h)



(3.0 s.h)


Calculus for Applications

(3.0 s.h)


Calculus I

(4.0 s.h)


Calculus II

(4.0 s.h)


Calculus III

(4.0 s.h)

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A group of six young adults, dressed casually, walks outside on a sunny day. They laugh and chat amongst themselves. Trees with sparse autumn leaves and campus buildings are visible in the background.

Certification / Licensure

Please use the online application which may be found on the South Dakota Department of Education website, Office of Accreditation & Teacher Quality. Once there, you have several choices, including initial licensure (first-time teachers), renewal, additional authorizations (program completion for principals, reading specialists, superintendents, etc.) and additional endorsements (for less than program completion). This website includes everything you'll need to know about licensure such as initial certification, renewals, additional authorization and additional endorsements.