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With a Bachelor of Arts in Computational Economics, graduates have diverse career opportunities. They can work as data analysts, economic analysts, quantitative researchers, financial analysts or market analysts in finance, government, or consulting.
Other options include roles in software development, data science, machine learning or artificial intelligence, where they can apply their computational skills to address complex economic challenges.
Average salary is based on a 2024 NACE Salary Survey. Job posting data is for data analyst positions and is provided by Lightcast. This number represents unique job postings from companies looking to hire in the last 30 days as of May 2024.
In addition to meeting the liberal arts core requirements of the University, students must complete the courses listed below.
Complete the following courses. Students can select ECO349 or ECO250, ECO391 or NSC300, MAT233 or MAT302.
Applied Economic Research
Calculus I
Calculus II
Financial Markets & Institutions
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Complete 9 s.h. of elective courses in either economics or mathematics.
Abstract Algebra
Calculus III
Consumer Behavior
Differential Equations
Environmental Economics
Foundations of Geometry
The best way to get to know USF is through a visit! Take a virtual tour or sign up for an in-person visit to understand what it's like to be a University of Sioux Falls student.
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A bachelor’s degree from USF in computer information systems will lead to a career in system analysis, system design, programming or system project management.
With a minor in economics, you will gain an understanding of the economic relationships, forces and patterns that influence the economy on a national as well as global level.
A Bachelor of Science in Mathematics offers students a comprehensive study of mathematical theory, applications and problem-solving skills.