Course Offerings
View our course offerings by selecting the appropriate term and program. Click on the courses for additional information.
The University of Sioux Falls reserves the right to cancel or make changes to course offerings due to circumstances beyond the university’s control.
Class Section Legend
A-Z — Traditional On Ground Course
OL — Online Course for 100% Distance Program
RA/RB — On Ground Course with some Remote* Meetings
RU — Online Course with some Remote* Meetings
UA/UB — Online Course
*Remote indicates there are synchronous video meetings
Showing All Departments
Accounting I
Course Description
Accounting is the language of business. This course concentrates on basic accounting concepts beginning with the accounting equation and includes the development and analysis of financial statements. The emphasis is on the use of financial information for decision-making purposes. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting I
Course Description
Accounting is the language of business. This course concentrates on basic accounting concepts beginning with the accounting equation and includes the development and analysis of financial statements. The emphasis is on the use of financial information for decision-making purposes. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting I
Course Description
Accounting is the language of business. This course concentrates on basic accounting concepts beginning with the accounting equation and includes the development and analysis of financial statements. The emphasis is on the use of financial information for decision-making purposes. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting I
Course Description
Accounting is the language of business. This course concentrates on basic accounting concepts beginning with the accounting equation and includes the development and analysis of financial statements. The emphasis is on the use of financial information for decision-making purposes. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting I
Course Description
Accounting is the language of business. This course concentrates on basic accounting concepts beginning with the accounting equation and includes the development and analysis of financial statements. The emphasis is on the use of financial information for decision-making purposes. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting II
Course Description
The course emphasizes the use of accounting data by management. It examines budgeting, costing systems, cost-volume-profit relationships and performance evaluation measures. Prerequisite: ACC225. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting II
Course Description
The course emphasizes the use of accounting data by management. It examines budgeting, costing systems, cost-volume-profit relationships and performance evaluation measures. Prerequisite: ACC225. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting II
Course Description
The course emphasizes the use of accounting data by management. It examines budgeting, costing systems, cost-volume-profit relationships and performance evaluation measures. Prerequisite: ACC225. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting II
Course Description
The course emphasizes the use of accounting data by management. It examines budgeting, costing systems, cost-volume-profit relationships and performance evaluation measures. Prerequisite: ACC225. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Accounting II
Course Description
The course emphasizes the use of accounting data by management. It examines budgeting, costing systems, cost-volume-profit relationships and performance evaluation measures. Prerequisite: ACC225. (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring/summer.
Computerized Accounting
Course Description
This is a computerized simulation in basic accounting that focuses on journalizing, posting, adjusting, ledgers worksheets and financial statement preparation. Students must have access to a Windows based system/computer in order for the software used in this course to operate. Prerequisite: ACC225. (2 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: Interim/Summer.
Computerized Accounting
Course Description
This is a computerized simulation in basic accounting that focuses on journalizing, posting, adjusting, ledgers worksheets and financial statement preparation. Students must have access to a Windows based system/computer in order for the software used in this course to operate. Prerequisite: ACC225. (2 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: Interim/Summer.
Computerized Accounting
Course Description
This is a computerized simulation in basic accounting that focuses on journalizing, posting, adjusting, ledgers worksheets and financial statement preparation. Students must have access to a Windows based system/computer in order for the software used in this course to operate. Prerequisite: ACC225. (2 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: Interim/Summer.
Individual Income Tax
Course Description
A study of individual income tax return preparation. An introductory course into the interpretations and application of present tax laws as they pertain to the individual taxpayer. Prerequisite: ACC225 or instructor approval. (3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: fall.
Individual Income Tax
Course Description
A study of individual income tax return preparation. An introductory course into the interpretations and application of present tax laws as they pertain to the individual taxpayer. Prerequisite: ACC225 or instructor approval. (3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: fall.
Cost Accounting
Course Description
Cost Accounting examines how to use financial data to provide valid cost information for decision-making purposes such as planning, controlling and costing of products and services. This course will look at costing methods and in the manufacturing and service industries. Prerequisite: ACC 226. (3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: spring.
Cost Accounting
Course Description
Cost Accounting examines how to use financial data to provide valid cost information for decision-making purposes such as planning, controlling and costing of products and services. This course will look at costing methods and in the manufacturing and service industries. Prerequisite: ACC 226. (3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: spring.
Intermediate Accounting I
Course Description
An in-depth look at the financial statements and the information found on them. Various accounting issues are examined with emphasis on assets, liabilities and problem solving techniques. Prerequisite: ACC 226. (4 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring.
Intermediate Accounting I
Course Description
An in-depth look at the financial statements and the information found on them. Various accounting issues are examined with emphasis on assets, liabilities and problem solving techniques. Prerequisite: ACC 226. (4 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring.
Intermediate Accounting II
Course Description
A continuation of Intermediate Accounting I with emphasis on equities and problem-solving techniques. Prerequisite: ACC 325.(4 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: spring/summer.
Intermediate Accounting II
Course Description
A continuation of Intermediate Accounting I with emphasis on equities and problem-solving techniques. Prerequisite: ACC 325.(4 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: spring/summer.
Accounting Information Systems
Course Description
Accounting Information Systems is concerned with the way information systems impact how accounting data is captured, processed and communicated. The course introduces you to the people, technology and operation of accounting information systems and concentrates on evaluating and developing effective internal controls for these systems. Prerequisite: ACC325 (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: Interim.
Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting
Course Description
This course emphasizes the importance of financial statement analysis and reporting to all business decision makers. The course presents and overview of financial reporting and financial statement analysis, from both an accounting and finance perspective. The accounting perspective includes an analysis of financing activities, investing activities and operating activities. Financial analysis includes cash flow analysis, analyzing return on invested capital, credit analysis and equity analysis and valuation. Students will be required to apply course concepts through the analysis of case studies. Prerequisites: ACC226 and COM104 (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: spring.
Organizational Tax
Course Description
Taxation of corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts. Prerequisite: ACC304 (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall.
Organizational Tax
Course Description
Taxation of corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts. Prerequisite: ACC304 (3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: fall.
Advanced Accounting
Course Description
Accounting problems in business acquisitions, consolidated statements, non-profit and governmental entities. Prerequisite: ACC 326.(3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: spring.
Advanced Accounting
Course Description
Accounting problems in business acquisitions, consolidated statements, non-profit and governmental entities. Prerequisite: ACC 326.(3 s.h.) Anticipated frequency of offering: spring.
Course Description
A study of auditing procedures through the application of auditing principles and adherence to auditing standards. Prerequisite: ACC 326.(3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring.
Course Description
A study of auditing procedures through the application of auditing principles and adherence to auditing standards. Prerequisite: ACC 326.(3 s.h.)Anticipated frequency of offering: fall/spring.
Introduction to Adult Learning
Course Description
This course provides an understanding of adult learning theories and models upon which adult education is based. Students will also examine factors that influence adult learning and development as well as contemporary issues facing the adult learner. (3 s.h.)
Must be a Graduate Student or receive instructor permission.
Sociology of Adult Education
Course Description
This course provides an overview of social issues that affect adult learning such as gender, race/ethnicity and class. Students will also examine historical perspectives on the changing character of adult education and experiential effects on adult learning. (3 s.h.)
Must be a Graduate Student or receive instructor permission.
Higher Education Administration
Course Description
This course provides an introduction to administrative and governance structures of higher education. Students will also be introduced to concepts and practices of higher education administration. (3 s.h.)
Must be a Graduate Student or receive instructor permission.
Quality Assurance in Higher Educ
Course Description
This course is an examination of institutional effectiveness and quality assurance in higher education in the United States. Regional and program accreditations, federal compliance and assessment processes are included. (3 s.h.)
Must be a Graduate Student or receive instructor permission.
Internship in Adult Higher Ed
Course Description
The individualized internship provides career experience under faculty supervision and is designed to introduce the student to practical appliaction of adult learning and developmental theory within an environment in which professional practice takes place. (3 s.h.)
Must be a Graduate Student or receive instructor permission.
Introduction To Art
Course Description
This course is an investigation of the nature of the visual arts. It will explore the relationship between art and culture, the manner in which art is created, the different media used to make are, and art and architechture from different from different times and places. (3 s.h.)
Introduction To Art
Course Description
This course is an investigation of the nature of the visual arts. It will explore the relationship between art and culture, the manner in which art is created, the different media used to make are, and art and architechture from different from different times and places. (3 s.h.)
Introduction To Art
Course Description
This course is an investigation of the nature of the visual arts. It will explore the relationship between art and culture, the manner in which art is created, the different media used to make are, and art and architechture from different from different times and places. (3 s.h.)
Drawing I
Course Description
This studio course offers direct experience in a variety of drawing approaches including contour, value, volume, and wash drawings. Project assignments are designed to sharpen perception, stimulate the imagination, and increase students' ability to see and interpret the world. (3 s.h.)
Drawing I
Course Description
This studio course offers direct experience in a variety of drawing approaches including contour, value, volume, and wash drawings. Project assignments are designed to sharpen perception, stimulate the imagination, and increase students' ability to see and interpret the world. (3 s.h.)
Drawing I
Course Description
This studio course offers direct experience in a variety of drawing approaches including contour, value, volume, and wash drawings. Project assignments are designed to sharpen perception, stimulate the imagination, and increase students' ability to see and interpret the world. (3 s.h.)
Art Majors must take on-ground section.
Drawing I
Course Description
This studio course offers direct experience in a variety of drawing approaches including contour, value, volume, and wash drawings. Project assignments are designed to sharpen perception, stimulate the imagination, and increase students' ability to see and interpret the world. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Design
Course Description
Students study art theory and solve visual problems using the elements of design and principles of art. Students will create projects primarily through the introduction of Adobe Illustrator. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Design
Course Description
Students study art theory and solve visual problems using the elements of design and principles of art. Students will create projects primarily through the introduction of Adobe Illustrator. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Design
Course Description
Students study art theory and solve visual problems using the elements of design and principles of art. Students will create projects primarily through the introduction of Adobe Illustrator. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Design
Course Description
Students study art theory and solve visual problems using the elements of design and principles of art. Students will create projects primarily through the introduction of Adobe Illustrator. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Sculpture
Course Description
This course is an introduction into the sculptural process. Classes are highly structured with a definite sequence of problems and exercises. Each assignment is designed to introduce basic sculptural ideas and principles with specific media and skills. The basic principles of modeling, casting, carving, and assembling will be covered in this course. Prerequisite: ART101, ART120, or instructor approval. (3 s.h.)
Introduction to Sculpture
Course Description
This course is an introduction into the sculptural process. Classes are highly structured with a definite sequence of problems and exercises. Each assignment is designed to introduce basic sculptural ideas and principles with specific media and skills. The basic principles of modeling, casting, carving, and assembling will be covered in this course. Prerequisite: ART101, ART120, or instructor approval. (3 s.h.)
Digital Photography
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the technical, conceptual, and historical aspects of photography. Techniques and applications of acquiring, manipulating, and outputting digitized photographic images will be explored. For the processing and enhancement of digital photographs, students will learn the basics of Photoshop. These digital skills and tools for the making of photographs will be taught within the context of the aesthetics of photography. Students must have their own SLR (single lens reflex) digital cameras with adjustable exposure and focus and ability to capture in "camera RAW," a file format in digital photography. (3 s.h.)
SLR Camera required.
Digital Photography
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the technical, conceptual, and historical aspects of photography. Techniques and applications of acquiring, manipulating, and outputting digitized photographic images will be explored. For the processing and enhancement of digital photographs, students will learn the basics of Photoshop. These digital skills and tools for the making of photographs will be taught within the context of the aesthetics of photography. Students must have their own SLR (single lens reflex) digital cameras with adjustable exposure and focus and ability to capture in "camera RAW," a file format in digital photography. (3 s.h.)
SLR Camera required.
Digital Photography
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the technical, conceptual, and historical aspects of photography. Techniques and applications of acquiring, manipulating, and outputting digitized photographic images will be explored. For the processing and enhancement of digital photographs, students will learn the basics of Photoshop. These digital skills and tools for the making of photographs will be taught within the context of the aesthetics of photography. Students must have their own SLR (single lens reflex) digital cameras with adjustable exposure and focus and ability to capture in "camera RAW," a file format in digital photography. (3 s.h.)