Cougar Central

  • loc. McDonald Center (inside the historic Pierce Gym)
  • p. 605-331-6610
A group of four smiling people stand inside a store with "COUGARS" banners and merchandise. Three are wearing University of Sioux Falls (USF) themed shirts, and one person, standing to the right, is dressed in a white blouse and dark skirt.

Store Hours

Fall and Spring Semesters
9 a.m.- 4 p.m.

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Located in the McDonald Center (inside the historic Pierce Gym).

Contact us at 605-331-6610 and visit

A small retail store with neatly folded stacks of purple and white sports apparel on shelves. In the background, a chalkboard sign reads "GO COUGARS" with small paw prints drawn next to the text. The store has a cozy and organized ambiance.