Office of the President
Jorden Hall, Suite 223
1101 W 22nd St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Contact Us
Phone: (605) 331-6590 or (800) 888-1047

Warmest greetings from the University of Sioux Falls. It is my honor to serve as USF’s 23rd president after 16 years of serving this campus in other professional capacities. What I have found in my time here—and I think you immediately will find as well—is outstanding people make this University a transformative place. From faculty and staff to students, alumni and friends, engagement, passion and a center of Christ’s work make the USF community both distinctive and strong.
I want to personally invite you to visit our campus to experience USF first-hand, and see what it has to offer. For alumni, friends, and the local community: bring your entire family to a game, take in one of our outstanding fine arts performances, and more—check out the events section of this website!
As we embark on a bright future together, the University has much to celebrate. To address the rising cost of college tuition, USF took a bold step and reset its undergraduate tuition price by $10,000 to $17,980 for the 2018-19 school year. This allows us to confidently tell families that, thanks to the tuition reset, and our continued commitment to financial assistance, everything USF offers is within financial reach. We’re proud to lead the way in the region and beyond in making higher education affordable.
Collectively, we feel the commitment to advancing the University’s footprint while honoring USF’s rich legacy and traditions. We share a common bond created by the extraordinary sense of Christian community that exists between generations of stakeholders at this special place.
Dr. Brett Bradfield
Jorden Hall, Suite 223
1101 W 22nd St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Contact Us
Phone: (605) 331-6590 or (800) 888-1047
Associate Vice President for Institutional Research/Professor, Mathematics
View Profile »Chair: Jeff Savage
Vice Chair: Beth Shipman Habicht
Treasurer: Tim Plimpton
Secretary: Judy Blauwet